Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Slightly Less Cautiously Optimistic Today

A few weeks ago, I told my dad that I was cautiously optimistic about Kerry's chances. I feel even less cautiously optimistic today. Perhaps it's been two solid debate performances from Kerry, along with a weak Dubya in Debate 1, and a mediocre Dubya in Debate 2.

Perhaps it's that Dubya has nothing substantive to offer about himself, his achievements, or his goals -- he merely repeats and repeats and repeats the John Kerry = bogeyman meme until your brains start to rattle around in your head.

Perhaps it's that certain media outlets (see ABC, the Washington Post) are finally "getting" that Bush lies, distorts, misleads, misrepresents, dissembles, falsifies, invents, makes shit up....

Perhaps it's that Bush seems strangely off (or read it here) and possibly wired for sound, and the major media are not ignoring the story.

Perhaps it's the everyone who's anyone is shrill when it comes to Bush's policies on science, terrorism, Iraq, the economy, health care, jobs, and the environment.

I am still cautious because these guys are evil and scary. Sinclair Media is trying to throw the election to Bush by airing a 90-minute Swift Boat Veterans commercial rehashing already discredited lies about Kerry. Bush's support is weakening, but not enough to be comfortable.

And Karl Rove will stop at nothing to win.

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