Thursday, January 24, 2008

What do you do with an empty blogger?

Well jeez what is the point of having a blog if you don't do anything with it?

Politics just don't float my boat no more.

Food, recipes, - I can do that. I SHOULD do that. But so many do it better.

Being a mom. OK. But it doesn't consume my life anymore, now that my son is a gradeschooler. Should I write about being the mom of an "only"? Does anyone care?

Technology and other cool stuff? If I just listen to what my husband is up to, I can do that do too.

Then there's TV, music, entertainment, gossip - so not my bag I should leave it to the experts. We just switched to Comcast - is that fun to write about?

Jewish stuff? Yeah, I could do that. As long as it involves mahjongg!

So here are my new topics:
  • Mommy-ing a gradeschooler/only child
  • Having a kosher Jewish home
  • Recipes and food (Jewish/kosher focus)
  • Cool mahjongg stuff
  • Gadgets/technology with focus on the home
  • Stuff I like (housewares, clothes, paper goods)
  • What I'm reading/watching/listening to
A new goal: one short blog a day. I guess this counts...