Friday, September 10, 2004


Thank you, Krugmeister! Paul Krugman's 9.10.2004 column highlights the lies our administration perpetrates; Krugman focuses on economics, which is his speciality. But you could easily take a look at many other categories: foreign policy, where Bush was on Sept. 11, Bush's opponents, or Bush's own military service.

I don't care how many times Bush's lackey stamps his foot and says, "But he did get permission to skip his physical and blow off his training. Really, he did. And he was honorably discharged. So he couldn't have done anything wrong."

From what I've heard from reputable sources (my Dad, who served in the Kentucky Air National Guard), if you didn't show up for your training, they sent the marshals after you. Unless you were the son of a well-connected Ambassador, I guess. Or maybe Kentucky was just tougher on their Champagne unit.

Also, it's not that hard to get honorably discharged if the Guard decides you're more trouble than you're worth. From his string pulling and leaping over the chain of command, I'm sure Dubya was a more attractive officer OUT of the guard than IN.

I am anxiously awaiting his next honorable discharge from service to our country, this coming November.

Edited to add: My dad clarified that the real scare if you didn't show up for your Guard training is that you be shifted to active duty and sent off to Vietnam. Guess this must have happened to a few guys, but not our Dubya.

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