Saturday, September 03, 2005

Bush Fires People for Disloyalty, Not Incompetence

If anything were a better indication of the autocratic, dare I say fascist, inclinations of BushCo, it is their willingness to fire or marginalize competent people who disagree with Dear Leader but keep on incompetent cronies and kiss-asses who have FUBAR, and then added a big pile of FUBAR on top of that.

The latest incompetent? FEMA Chief Mike Brown, who is NOT doing a great job, who is clearly in over his head, and (see link) had a difficult time managing horse shows. He would probably appreciate being relieved of duty. Just show some leadership, Shrub, and FIRE HIM!!!!! Lincoln fired about 5 generals before finding Grant on the western reaches of the country.

Leaders should not just expect loyalty. They should expect competence and accountability.

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