Saturday, December 25, 2004

Dark Days

Yep, it's pretty dark days here in Frananbananaland. I've poked my fingers into the cyberspace over at Television Without Pity and LTH Forum (Chicagoland foodie discussion board), but otherwise have not had the interest or inspiration to blog, much.

It hasn't even been fun to read my regulars, such as Talking Points Memo or Daily Kos. I do check in with the brilliant James Wolcott (god, do I wish I could write like that), but even so I was away for several weeks. And bless his heart, Bob Somerby is still doing God's work at the Daily Howler, but my ire cannot be raised. This is post-election despondence.

Bush and company are still up to their shenanigans, perhaps even worse now with their so-called man-date. The media went into spasms over Scottie Petersen; has anyone else noted that wife-killers are a dime a dozen? Didn't think so. Yet still Iraq quags further into the mire, and more young men and women are maimed and killed. I have felt hopeless and powerless since the election. Really, what is there to say or do at this point?

I listened with more than usual melancholy yesterday morning to the Nine Lessons and Carols from King's College in Cambridge. It was originally created in 1918 as a way to bring imaginative worship to the Christmas Eve service. I am moved, as I imagine the young Dean of King's, fresh from his service as an Army chaplain, creating an oasis of peace and joy following such monstrous despair and destruction he and his entire generation had experienced. It is some comfort that dark days do inspire such expressions.

Perhaps I will suit up following the New Year, raise my ire, my dander, and sharpen my fangs. Perhaps.